Monday, 27 September 2010

Autumn Edit Updates!

the autum edit is coming along now, ive actualy started to edit it! :) Alot more clips and days to go through yet though! :(

Sunday, 26 September 2010

little Saturday Edit - Bad Quality ;/

Just a vid to keep people updated i suppose, Includes Arthur, Jamie and Andy!
Sorry for bad quality!

Autumn Edit

Hey, so the autumn edit is coming along now,  just a week or two i think and it should be out!
We still need alot more clips though :/

Hope for it to be out soon! :D

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Niall boooosstt hip! :D

Nialls boostttedd hips :) Just needed a post and thought Niall would be happyyy :D

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

New rider and final team list.

New rider :O Dom newmarch!

So the finall list is:

Niall O'byrne
Arthur Melody
Andrew Hathaway
Jack Frankand
Jack Homer
Dom Newmarch
Jamie Kimmitt
Nathanial Hazell

We are organising a day at the works skatepark...for a day edit, dont know when though :/
Hopefully soon though :)
Soon :)

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Andy Got bri's! :D

clues in the title, Just a few clips of Andys first bri flips :)

Friday, 10 September 2010

New little Edit

Andy was asked to make a little media edit, so he decided to base it on falcon, and came up with this small edit, theres the falcon uk team and a few friends inclued!

Thanks to Dom Newmarch, Jamal Craig and Jack frankland for some footage :)