Monday, 27 September 2010

Autumn Edit Updates!

the autum edit is coming along now, ive actualy started to edit it! :) Alot more clips and days to go through yet though! :(

Sunday, 26 September 2010

little Saturday Edit - Bad Quality ;/

Just a vid to keep people updated i suppose, Includes Arthur, Jamie and Andy!
Sorry for bad quality!

Autumn Edit

Hey, so the autumn edit is coming along now,  just a week or two i think and it should be out!
We still need alot more clips though :/

Hope for it to be out soon! :D

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Niall boooosstt hip! :D

Nialls boostttedd hips :) Just needed a post and thought Niall would be happyyy :D

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

New rider and final team list.

New rider :O Dom newmarch!

So the finall list is:

Niall O'byrne
Arthur Melody
Andrew Hathaway
Jack Frankand
Jack Homer
Dom Newmarch
Jamie Kimmitt
Nathanial Hazell

We are organising a day at the works skatepark...for a day edit, dont know when though :/
Hopefully soon though :)
Soon :)

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Andy Got bri's! :D

clues in the title, Just a few clips of Andys first bri flips :)

Friday, 10 September 2010

New little Edit

Andy was asked to make a little media edit, so he decided to base it on falcon, and came up with this small edit, theres the falcon uk team and a few friends inclued!

Thanks to Dom Newmarch, Jamal Craig and Jack frankland for some footage :)

Monday, 6 September 2010

New pages are being put in on the site, to keep you updated with the Falcon Uk team, go check out the riders, and what they ride? More to be put in :)

Friday, 3 September 2010

We now have a new rider in the team! Nathanial Hazell, a friend of ours who has gutts ;)

Summer Edit finished! :)

So Since the Summer edit didnt start until 3 weeks into the summer we didnt have enough clips for another song so we decided to cut it short! But here it is, with Falcon Uk Team and Friends :)

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Summer and Autumn Edit

Right, we have nearly finished the summer edit to be put up, but im going to completely re-do it to fit in with falcon uk! :) We have already started the Autumn Edit just got to put videos in :) This may take a while as we cannot be arsed. :)

Soon :)

Monday, 30 August 2010

Falcon Uk Starts

Today we lanched Falcon Uk! A leeds teenager scooter team :) Our Riders consist of Niall O'byrne, Arthur Melody, Jamie Kimmitt, Jack Homer and me Andrew Hathaway. We just want to show you what we can do with a cool name and a place to show it other than just youtube! :)

Please look out for any videos coming :) A new Edit hopefully on the way for Autumn :D Will keep you updated! :D

Thanks :)